Whether you’re moving to a new place or you simply want to have a more organized home, decluttering is probably the best thing you can do for your dwelling and for yourself. Aside from being one of the crucial tasks involved when you seek storage solutions for managing your possessions better, decluttering is also a great way to save on money and – more importantly – mental energy.
Once you’ve decided to take on this task, you need to prepare three containers for the items you would keep, give away, or throw. While it may seem simple enough, determining which pieces go where can actually be quite tricky.
To help you out, here are 10 simple yet helpful rules you can follow.
Deciding which items to keep requires facing the reality of life and the actual scenario in your home. Below are some of the rules you need to follow if you want to succeed in this endeavor:
1. Ask yourself, “Does this item spark joy?”
Take a cue from organization consultant Marie Kondo. Asking whether an item gives you happiness can help you confront the reality of whether an item is worth keeping or not.
When dealing with memorabilia, make sure you pick those that best capture the memory of the person or idea the items are associated with. Remember: The more possessions you have, the less valuable each item becomes. Aim to save the “sentimental gold.”
2. Determine whether the item fits your present life.
Believe it or not, there are certain things that help you live your life to the fullest, as well as ones that don’t. For example, you may find some clothes more comfortable and fashionable today compared to some that you used to have in the past.
Of course, this doesn’t necessarily mean that you only need to keep new things – even five-year-old items (like garments that serve as your security blanket for years) can stay, as long as they support how you currently live your life.
3. Consider whether an item is good for seasonal use.
There are plenty of possessions that have a definite place in your home, even if it may not be all year round. Summer or winter sports equipment, holiday decorations, seasonal furniture, and other similar items can be kept safe in storage until they have to be taken out once again.
Give Away
Donating possessions that you won’t keep during your move is one of the best ways to downsize and declutter. Here’s how:
1. Consider whether you have time for a garage sale.
Before deciding to give away items you no longer need, you must consider whether you are actually able to turn them into treasure. Items that no longer have any use for you may still provide assistance during your move by being a source of funds via a garage sale. Of course, it is crucial that you only consider this if you have enough time before the move.
2. Determine if the item can still be used.
There’s no point in giving away items that will only end up in another person’s trash. Because of this, it is vital that you only give away things that are still functional.
3. Give away items with duplicate use.
Things with duplicate use, like a multitool or a can opener, are also common causes of clutter in drawers and cupboards. Determine which particular one does the task best (or serves more purposes) and give away the other.
4. Identify its timeline.
Two more factors you can consider when determining whether to donate or sell your possessions are how frequently and recently you used them.
For example, when dealing with clothing, you can ask yourself when you last wore certain pieces and how often they became part of your ensemble. If they get low scores on both factors, then they need to go.
When decluttering, you might find plenty of things in your possession that are, quite simply, trash. Here are some ways to determine if it’s time to finally throw certain items out:
1. Know whether an item can be repaired (and if it’s worth it to do so).
Fixing things can be a great way to save on costs, especially since you’ll be spending a significant amount of money during your move. However, if an item is no longer repairable or is not worth the effort involved, it would be best to throw it away.
Set a deadline for yourself. If you can’t have it fixed within the timeframe you set, it would be best to throw it away.
2. Digitize whenever you can.
In these modern times, you can already make soft copies of almost everything. The same goes with sentimental items that may be adding to the clutter in your home.
Instead of keeping the actual thing, you can choose to digitize pictures, dried-out rose petals, old movie tickets, and other scrapbook-worthy items that have been collecting dust in your closet. This way, you can preserve the memory and emotions that go with them while reducing the clutter in your new home.
3. Follow your instincts.
Many people worry that they’ll later regret letting go of things they possess because they might need them someday and end up second-guessing their instincts. In reality, it just isn’t so 99 percent of the time. Your gut can guide you through the most difficult tasks, and decluttering is no exception.
One Last Piece of Advice
Whether you are refurbishing, decluttering, or downsizing, some items are simply too precious to let go of. Easy Truck offers quick and easy on-site storage service solutions that will not only ensure that your valuable possessions are kept secure and protected, but will also help you achieve your goal of keeping your home organized.
Contact us today for more information.