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How Can Self-Storage Help When Moving Houses?

How Can Self-Storage Help When Moving Houses?

Although moving to a new house can be an exciting prospect, it can also be a very stressful and frustrating experience. There are so many things to think about and tasks to carry out. From ensuring the sale of your old property and purchase of your new one go through smoothly and on time, to arranging the move and ensuring everything is sorted out correctly, the list seems endless.

With so much to do, the chances of things going wrong cannot be underestimated. One small problem can lead to a bigger one and the whole chain of events can come to a grinding halt. Whilst some of these problems may be difficult to avoid, most can be prevented and any help you can get will alleviate your stress levels which is why self storage for moving houses should certainly be seriously considered.

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Tasks to Undertake Before Moving Day

Even before moving house, self storage can be a big help. It can, for example:

  • help you make the sale of your existing house by increasing its attraction. Many houses are cluttered with items that you, as the occupier, are used to but which will not be attractive to a potential buyer. So moving the excess items out into storage will make the house much more appealing and more likely to sell. Select seasonal equipment you are not currently using and anything that causes the house to look untidy.
  • enable a phased move. Moving day can be hectic with lots of things to do and plenty that can go wrong. Preparing well in advance of the day can involve moving many non-essential items into temporary storage. That means, when moving day finally arrives, you have less property to transfer and the whole move should go smoother and quicker as a result
  • allow you to identify property that you don’t really need, which can be particularly important if you’re moving to a smaller home. You can move non-essential items into local self storage and then, once the move is complete, take back anything as you require it. After a few months, you can conclude that the items still in store aren’t needed and you can safely dispose of them.

Using Self Storage when Moving Day Arrives

Whilst we all hope moving house will be a smooth process, it often isn’t. However, the use of self-storage facilities in the UAE can make it easier in many situations:

  • You may have to move out of your old home before you can move into the new one. This may be because there is a chain, and a delay further up means your new house is still occupied. Such a delay can occur at the last minute due to a change of plans or circumstances so it pays to have storage at least tentatively arranged in case you need to use it.

    Alternatively, you may not be able to move in straightaway because the house needs extensive work. This may involve fitting new kitchens and bathrooms, structural alterations or extensive redecoration that all mean the house may be uninhabitable. Even if you can live there while the work is going on, you may not want to move all your possessions in so some space is kept clear and they are protected from damage.

    During this period, you may have to live in a hotel or with family or friends. They won’t have space for all your possessions so temporary storage is essential.
  • You may be moving abroad or to another part of the country temporarily and be renting out your house while away. If so, you need to put your furniture into a storage facility until you move back later. If, however, you decide not to come back, your property can be shipped to your new location.
  • Putting some non-essential items into climate controlled storage will allow you to properly plan your living space when you move in. Once you’ve done this, you can move in the rest of your possessions in an orderly and relaxed fashion.
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Maximum Benefits with the Right Self Storage

Using self storage for your move will undoubtedly help to limit the likelihood of problems and reduce the amount of stress you suffer. But, to obtain maximum benefit, you need to choose your self storage facility carefully. Ideally, this will:

  • be combined with a removal service so that a single team and location will be able to handle all your needs for a competitive price
  • provide storage on a flexible basis so you only pay for the period you want and aren’t tied in to a long contract that you don’t need
  • be conveniently located so you can, if necessary, access your property easily without travelling long distances and having difficulties when you get there
  • offer convenient sizes of storage so that you have enough space for your property but it’s not too big (and expensive) for your needs
  • be fully secure so your property is kept safe at all times.

A Smooth and Stress-free Moving Process

At Easytruck Removals & Storage, we do everything we can to make your move as straightforward as possible. We deliver conveniently sized EasyPods to your home, pack them for you and create an itinerary of what they contain. Then we deliver them directly to your new home for unpacking or into one of our secure storage facilities if you are not ready to move in.

Once in storage, you can access the pods easily at your convenience and we can deliver to your new home when you need them. We then handle all the unpacking and relocation of your property.

This process results in minimal handling and damage, the greatest level of convenience for you and a smooth and cost-effective process that will make your move successful and will ease the pressure on you. With our help, you can concentrate on everything else that you have to deal with when moving and leave the actual removal and storage to us.

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